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Essex HMVA Launch 14th February 2014 Colin Tebb

January and February 2014


Following The Military Vehicle Trust Council of Management's decision that the Military and Flying Machines show at Damyns Hall Upminster can no longer be run as an MVT event we had to look into other ways of keeping the show going.

The MVT played an important role, in that they provided a foundation for the show, with that removed we looked into several alternatives, including a limited company (which we were not comfortable with, as we have been and always intended to continue to be a non-profit organisation). Other alternatives were looked at before we decided to apply for charitable status in our own right.

As part of the charity application process, it provided an opportunity to look at ourselves and think about what we wanted out of the show, its aims and any subsequent organisational changes to manage it. We have taken this opportunity to form the Essex HMVA as a Charity Incorporated Organisation. The aims of the Essex HMVA have been expanded upon to provide not only for historic military vehicles but weapons, equipment and home front related artefacts as well.

The Essex HMVA will promote an understanding of military preservation and military history into other areas and provide a source for education and information to support similar minded organisations and individuals.

We have already been approached by individuals wanting to be part of the new organisation, as such, Associate membership will be available and while the current focus of the Association is Essex, London and surrounding counties, we have decided to make this membership available on a worldwide basis and in due course, provide several benefits to being a member, these are currently being worked on.

The Essex HMVA looks forward to progressing with the show and other activities and sees this as an opportunity to promote the knowledge and education of military vehicles, equipment, home front and those who used them and were directly involved to the public at large as well as providing a source of expertise and finally making the Military and Flying Machines event better than ever - we hope you will support us on this new and exciting adventure.

The formation of the Essex HMVA has been a lengthy, time consuming and complicated process and I would like to thank all involved for their help and support.

Colin Tebb
Essex HMVA Chairman

The Essex HMVA would especially like to thank the following organisations for their active support and assistance in the birth of this organisation
