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Rules And

Show Terms


The name of the incorporated association is ?The Essex Historic Military Vehicle Association? (in these rules called ?the Association?).


The Essex Historic Military Vehicle Association may also be referred to as EHMVA, Essex HMVA or the Association. Associate members as stated in the constitution may be referred to in this document as members (this may also include trustees). Suppliers and show entrants may also be referred to in this document as supporters.


Our objects are set out in our constitution, this includes how the association is formed and managed. These are stated as:

If matters arise which are not covered by this statement of our objects or association matters arise, where necessary, it will be brought before the trustees who will either make a decision themselves or put it before the wider group of members to gain their opinion. Failure to abide by either the rules or the code of conduct may result in such actions being brought before the trustees or show officials for a decision as to a suitable remediation and further dealt with as stated in the ?Members? section of this document.


Trustees are tasked with ensuring they follow the guidelines set down by the charity commission as to how the association is managed, governed and all financial considerations as set out in our constitution. The Trustees will consult with the members where there is a need to gauge consensus over a decision to be made. This will then go before the trustees for final a decision and implementation. No rule here upon shall override charity law and Trustees may overrule our rules in order to ensure they comply. Co-opted members may be appointed by trustees in order to assist in the running of the association or an event.


Membership of the Essex Historic Military Vehicle Association is open to all persons wishing to join, with the majority of members currently residing in the Essex area. Members must actively participate in EHMVA activities for the benefit of the charity?s duty of public benefit. Trustees retain the right to refuse membership to those who they deem unsuitable or where in their opinion there may be a conflict of interest with the goals and memberships of other societies or trusts. Membership is annual and must be renewed within 28 days to be deemed as continuous membership. Members may be excluded from the association should they act in a manner deemed prejudicial to the interest of the association, or which may in the opinion of the trustees, bring the reputation of the association into disrepute.

The trustees shall from time to time determine the fees and subscriptions for each category of membership that an individual or member organization shall be required to pay when first applying for membership of the association and at the time of renewal of their membership. Within the limits or guidelines agreed by the trustees, may vary the fees and/or subscriptions payable by those applying for membership of the association or seeking to renew their membership as part of any promotion or offer intended to increase the total membership of the association or reduce the cost of collecting and processing such fees and subscriptions.

Once paid, a membership fee or subscription shall not be refunded. Unless otherwise determined by the trustees, an individual applying for membership or renewal of their membership shall pay any fees and/or subscription that may be due at the date of application or renewal as the case may be. The trustees can grant special membership rights for those who have shown a particular dedication to the association. The trustees shall from time to time prescribe the method by which payment of fees and subscriptions may be made. Any member whose membership is more than one month in arrears, shall not be entitled to any association membership benefits.


The Trustees may decide on an appointment of a Patron. The individual should have no executive function or role and therefore carries no Trustee responsibility. What is expected of the individual will be set out in an agreement. The patrons? role should be to promote and lend creditability to the work we do within our aims.

President & VP

This role is honorary. The individual should have no executive function or role and therefore carries no Trustee responsibility. It should be agreed by the Trustees by a vote any of nominated person. The nominated person should have experience in military conservation and/or be considered a key part of the association. The length of service being lifetime or fixed term should then also decided and voted on. Should the president become unable to carry out any duties asked, (due to health for instance) then he will be then asked by the trustees to retire from the post. Any vacancy in the post of president should not in any way effect the running of the association. He may be asked to represent the association when appropriate, however there is no formal timetable attached to the post. The appointment of Vice Presidents should follow the same guidelines as for Presidents; though these should be limited to no more than three.


The Essex Historic Military Vehicle Association is registered under the Charities Act 2011 No 1155705. The Treasurer shall ultimately be responsible for the good management of the association account(s). They are required to report the association?s finances to the fellow Trustees and members as and when required including our AGM.

Vehicle storage facility

Our vehicle storage facilities are there as a benefit for our members and has limited available space. Special rules apply when you are granted a space for your vehicle(s) separate from these rules. You will be notified of these at such time.

Data collection and retention

We will hold data only relevant to running the association or show. Access to this will be restricted to persons who have been given permission by the Trustees for use in carrying out a stated task and also to our third party service provider, Membermojo who only have access to the data necessary to produce membership cards. Both the Essex HMVA and Membermojo will only keep the information whilst the individual is a member or supporter or as long as necessary for member/supporter administration and only process information necessary to establish or maintain membership or support and may be kept securely on electronic media operated under an exemption from registration under the Data Protection Act by virtue of our status as a ?not for profit organisation. Members shall be given the right to have their personal information so held to be corrected, as they require. We do not sell or gift this information for commercial use.

Echoes of History show

The Echoes of History Show is currently our association?s main event. This is run by the trustees and the Event team members. Free entry for non-vehicle attendees is granted to EHMVA members when valid ID is shown.

General Behaviour. We want to run a safe and enjoyable show. Your co-operation is vital to the success of this. We ask that you behave at all times in a polite and reasonable manner. Please remember, our staff are volunteers and abusive or threatening behavior will not be tolerated, we have a zero tolerance policy in place for this as a charity. Our security will remove people from the site if this rule is broken or the police will be called. We allow allow consumption of alcoholic drinks on site, but please keep this to a level of moderation.

Noise and Nuisance When at a show, please remember there may be other people camping nearby. Please show respect for them by keeping any behaviour within acceptable bounds. At night please switch off any generators after 10:30 pm and keep the noise to a minimum. Security at night will inforce this if necessary. There may be people camping with families and young children. You must not leave any lit cooking equipment or similar source of heat unattended. Please follow the advice given by an official at all times.

Stalls and stands At any of our events, we will require all stall holders to sign to confirm they accept and agree to follow the rules and instructions of any official. You are required to have public liability insurance and a fire extinguisher. Please also see Event Safety.

Weapons, pyrotechnics and uniforms There must be absolutely no sale or discharge of any firearm, barrelled weapon, pyrotechnics, thunder flash, firework or other explosive device at any event without prior permission of the organizers or trustees or safety officer. Selling of any pyrotechnics during a show is not permitted. Replica and/or deactivated guns may be carried during an event or show but must not be handled by members of the public unsupervised unless they are deemed competent to do so, or during a purchasing transaction and should not allowed to be pointed at someone in a threatening manner. Knives or bayonets must not be unsheathed or fitted to a weapon other than as part of a static display of weapons and equipment and must never be left unattended or used in a threatening manner. Uniforms may be worn when appropriate but should be worn correctly and in context. Medal ribbons to which the wearer is not entitled should not be worn. No uniforms of a politically linked nature that are likely to cause offence will be permitted at EHMVA events unless pre-agreed in advance with trustees and only in special circumstances. If in doubt please contact a member of the show team.

Chinese Lanterns The lighting and launching of Chinese lantern type devices is strictly prohibited on site for health and safety reasons, any use of any such items either by yourself or by members of your party will result in your removal from the site.

Wristbands All exhibitors and stallholders are required to have wristbands. The quantity specified on our website or entry form will be issued free, all remaining bands will need to be purchased at an agreed rate. Non wristband holders not be served at the bar in the evening and will be asked to leave the event during times the site is not open to the public.

Pets All pet owners bringing their pets to an event must uphold their responsibility to the animal and to other participants by clearing up after their pet and not allowing it to become a nuisance to others.

Event Safety We want everyone to remain safe and to have an enjoyable time. Please always follow any and all instructions given by any official or marshal at any event.
Please ensure that your vehicle is kept in a legal, safe and roadworthy condition and you have the appropriate licence and/or training to operate it. Any tracked vehicle should only be moved during an event with suitable marshals, and within the agreed tracked vehicle operating areas. Vehicles should have insurance suitable for the vehicle being operated, including any public liability insurance. If you wish to have passengers ride in your vehicle, you are responsible for ensuring your vehicle is adequately adapted for doing so, and in cases where this activity may involve re-enactments or re-enactors, suitable insurance covering this will need to be obtained and agreed in advance with the show team. No vehicle shall be taken/driven into any lake on site. Persons entering them, shall only be permitted with the organisers permission and after completion of a risk assessment as part of a re-enactment.

Our marshals will keep vehicle movements to a minimum, this is for safety reasons and also to protect the site from damage due to excessive movements. You may be asked to park up outside the main site area in a holding area, during times outside of normal operating hours, which are after 10:30 and before 6 am. This rule applies to all vehicles either displaying, stalls or services.

Please ensure that your vehicle is kept in a legal, safe and roadworthy condition and you have the appropriate licence and/or training to operate it. Any tracked vehicle should only be moved during an event with suitable marshals. Vehicles should have insurance suitable for the vehicle being operated, including any public liability insurance. If you wish to have passengers ride in your vehicle, you are responsible for ensuring your vehicle is adequately adapted for doing so, and in cases where this activity may involve re-enactments or re-enactors, suitable insurance covering this will need to be obtained and agreed in advance with the show team.

Quad Bikes These can only be used on site with permission of the organisers and the appropriate training has been completed and the person operating it is competent and has covering insurance.